Project Description
Mountain Ginseng

Nutrel mountain ginseng is grown in the mountain regions of the Central North Island of New Zealand under forest canopy in wild and natural growing conditions. Our ginseng thrives on the natural minerals found in the volcanic soils of the region whilst the clean mountain air and seasonal rainfall ensures the plants grow strong and healthy. Tests confirm that our ginseng contains high levels of ginsenosides and are free of any harmful chemicals.
Why Should I Use Ginseng?
• Improving Memory
• Cleansing the body of stress
• Resisting Disease
• Bolstering immunity
• Balancing Metabolism
• Preventing Headaches
• Fighting Fatigue
• Extending Endurance
• Strengthening the Body
• Opening the Mind
• Treating Sleep Disorders and Overcoming Insomnia
• Ginseng has had beneficial effects on women suffering post Menopausal Symptoms
• Ginseng has also demonstrated clinical improvements in virility among men, and effected improvements in conditions of sexual dysfunction for both sexes
• 提升记忆力
• 缓解压力
• 提升免疫力
• 平衡新陈代谢
• 预防头痛
• 抗疲劳
• 增加耐力
• 缓解失眠
• 缓解更年期症状
How Do I Use Ginseng?
Dried ginseng root has been the most commonly available form of ginseng in Asia for thousands of years. The root can be used by itself in an infusion (tea), or as a part of a combination of herbal ingredients taken together either as an infusion, a pill, or a medicinal wine.
How Often Should I Use Ginseng?
• Many authorities recommend from 1-2 grams of pure high quality ginseng powder per day, but this may be difficult to follow if you are ingesting ginseng in a tea, or in a capsule that may not contain pure ginseng or top quality root.
• An easier guide, when purchasing dried ginseng root, is to eat 2-8 pieces each day, spread out over the course of the day. A slice of ginseng root about the size of a nickel, or a piece around the size of a small nut is best.
• Native American Indians used to chew on ginseng when running great distances in order to maintain their stamina.
• When ingesting as a tea one or two cups a day are sufficient. You can also soften the root or root slices in a cup of hot water, and then eat the softened slices with the resulting tea.
• If the taste is too bitter, you may add some pure honey to the tea, but never sugar.
Ginseng Wine
· Ingredients:
• 1-2L jar/bottle (preferably glass)
• 1-fresh Ginseng Root
• 2L of Vodka (or preferred liquor)
· Directions:
1. Place the ginseng root in the jar/bottle
2. Pour the Vodka in the jar/bottle
3. Close and seal the jar/bottle
4. Let stand for at least 3 months
• 1-2L 大玻璃瓶
• 1根野山参
• 2L 伏特加或威士忌
1. 将野山参放入瓶中
2. 倒入伏特加或威士忌
3. 改善盖子,将瓶口密封
4. 密封保存3个月
Ginseng Rose Tea
· Ingredients:
• 2 to 5 rose buds
• Ginseng pieces/slice
• Boiling water
· Directions:
1. Place 1 table spoon of ginseng slices/pieces into the teapot
2. Add 2 to 5 rose buds into the teapot
3. Pour the boiling water into the teapot
4. Allow the water to sit for approximately 3 minutes
5. Pour into a cup and serve
• 2 至 5 朵玫瑰花
• 野山参数片
• 开水
1. 取 1 茶匙野山参切片,放入茶壶中
2. 加入 2 至 5 朵玫瑰花至茶壶中
3. 倒入开水
4. 静置3分钟
5. 倒入杯中即可享用
Chicken Ginseng Soup
· Ingredients:
• 6 red dates
• 1 whole chicken uncooked
• 1 tablespoon of Goji berries
• 1 cup of ginseng slices
· Directions:
1. Place all the ingredients into a large pot
2. Add water until entire chicken is submerged
3. Boil the ingredients until chicken has been cooked thoroughly
4. Allow the water to sit for approximately 3 minutes
5. Add salt until desired flavour has been reached
6. Cool and serve
• 6 颗红枣
• 1 只生鸡
• 1 匙枸杞
• 1 小杯野山参切片
1. 将所有材料放入锅中
2. 添水直至莫过鸡身
3. 煮开锅,至鸡熟透
4. 静置3分钟
5. 添加适量的盐
6. 晾凉即可享用