NNew Zealand is surrounded by pristine waters and covered with mountains and forests which is one of the best natural environments in the world.
Our focus at Nutrel is to be the preferred supplier of New Zealand natural products worldwide. We only process and produce the most premium natural products.
We are a Risk Management Program registered seafood processing premises with the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries (RMP ID NZM01/01). Our current products include dried NZ sea cucumber, ling sound / fish maw, paua / ablalone, elephant fish frame, mussels and deer velvet. Water activity is tested for every batch of product before being released for sale. Water and APC are tested by AsureQuality annually. All packaging that comes into contact with our product is certified food grade complying with regulations of the FDA, EU, UK, Germany, France, etc.
纽巢是一间RMP品质管理系统的高品质食材药材加工生产企业,直接隶属新西兰初级产业部MPI监管,企业代码NZM01/01。 纽巢精挑细选新西兰最顶级食材,经由低温干制,天然无添加,以其最纯净的姿态,呈现给全世界饕客。
我们所有产品均经由新西兰国家级实验室Asure Quality的水份活度测试,及APC 测试。并且,包装均采用认证食品级材料,符合美国、欧盟、英国·德国、法国等各国标准。